
Request to verify the cardholder's account before processing the financial transaction. The card is verified using the verification method supported by the acquirer and the data provided in the request.

PUT / merchant / {merchantId} / order / {orderid} / transaction / {transactionid}

Authentication Copied to clipboard

This operation requires authentication via one of the following methods:

  • Certificate authentication.
  • Basic HTTP authentication as described at Provide 'merchant.<your gateway merchant ID>' in the userid portion and your API password in the password portion.

Request Copied to clipboard

URL Parameters Copied to clipboard

{merchantId} Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters REQUIRED

The unique identifier issued to you by your payment provider.

This identifier can be up to 12 characters in length.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_'

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
{orderid} Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

A unique identifier for this order to distinguish it from any other order you create.

Use this identifier when referring to this order in subsequent transactions and in retrieval operations. This value must be unique for every order you create using your merchant profile.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
{transactionid} Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

Unique identifier for this transaction to distinguish it from any other transaction on the order.

An order can have transactions representing:

  • Movement of money. For example, payments and refunds.
  • Validations. For example, account verification or 3-D Secure authentication of the payer.
  • Undoing other transactions. For example, voiding a payment transaction.
  • Chargebacks.
  • Fees from your payment service provider.
Each transaction on the order must have a unique id that identifies that transaction. Some transactions also hold the transaction identifier of other transactions on the order. For example a void payment transaction references the original payment transaction that is being voided.

If you attempt an operation and it fails (eg you try to PAY on a card with no funds), then you need a new id for each retry.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 40

Fields Copied to clipboard

accountFunding Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Additional details for account funding transactions (order.purchaseType=ACCOUNT_FUNDING).

Account funding transactions are transactions that pull money from the sender's card account for the purpose of funding another account, the recipient's account. Depending on the type of account funding transaction you may be required to provide some or all the details in this parameter group.

accountFunding.purpose Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Defines the purpose of the account funding payment.If not provided the value is defaulted to OTHER.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The funds from this account funding transaction will exclusively be used to purchase cryptocurrency.


The funds from this account funding transaction will be used to settle the proceeds of processing card transactions.


The funds from this account funding transaction will be used for any other purpose, e.g. transferring funds from a person to a person or transferring funds into a staged wallet. This is the default value.


The funds from this account funding transaction will be used to pay salaries.

accountFunding.recipient Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Details about the recipient who will subsequently receive the funds that you are debiting from the sender in this transaction. Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text OPTIONAL

The 3 letter ISO standard alpha country code of the recipient.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
accountFunding.recipient.dateOfBirth Copied to clipboard Date OPTIONAL

The date of birth of the recipient in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Data must comply with ISO 8601 extended date format, yyyy-mm-dd

accountFunding.recipient.firstName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

First name of the recipient.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
accountFunding.recipient.lastName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Last name of the recipient.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
accountFunding.recipient.middleName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Middle name of the recipient.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
accountFunding.recipient.postCodeZip Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The post code or zip code of the recipient.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
accountFunding.recipient.stateProvinceCode Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The state or province code of the recipient.

The value must match the second part of the ISO 3166-2 code. For an address in the United States provide the 2-letter ISO 3166-2 state code. For US military bases provide one of AE, AA, AP. For an address in Canada provide the 2-letter ISO 3166-2 province code.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 3
accountFunding.senderIsRecipient Copied to clipboard Boolean OPTIONAL

Defines if the sender and recipient of the account funding payment are the same or not.

If not provided the value is defaulted to FALSE.

JSON boolean values 'true' or 'false'.

accountFunding.senderType Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Defines if the sender is a person, a commercial organization, a non-profit organization or a government

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The sender is a commercial organization. Examples include account to account transfers initiated by a commercial organization for the purpose of transferring funds to one of their accounts, business to business payments, and disbursements for insurance claims, payroll, investment dividends, merchant rebates.


The sender is a government or government agency. Examples include government agencies paying salaries, pensions, social benefits or tax credits.


The sender is a non-profit organization. Examples include non-profit organizations delivering emergency aid payments.


The sender is a person. Examples include account to account transfers initiated by a person to their own account or a different person's account and adding funds to a staged wallet.

agreement Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

A series of related orders that execute one commercial agreement.

For example, linking the orders for a series of recurring payments (a mobile phone subscription), split tenders (one payment using two cards), or when the merchant offers to take payments by a series of installments (hire purchase).

You must provide this data for some types of payments (such as recurring), but you can provide it for any cases where you want to link orders together.

agreement.amountVariability Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates if all the payments within the agreement use the same amount or if the amount differs between the payments.

The field must be provided for recurring payment agreements.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


All payments in the recurring payment agreement have the same amount. Examples include magazine subscriptions or gym memberships.


The amount for the payments within the recurring payment agreement differs between payments. Examples include usage-based charges like utility or phone bills.

agreement.expiryDate Copied to clipboard Date OPTIONAL

Date at which your agreement with the payer to process payments expires.

Data must comply with ISO 8601 extended date format, yyyy-mm-dd Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Your identifier for the agreement you have with the payer to process payments.

When you collect cards from your payers and store them for later use, you must provide an agreement ID when you use the stored values for:

  • Recurring payments: you have an agreement with the payer that authorizes you to automatically debit their account at agreed intervals for fixed or variable amounts. For example, gym membership, phone bills, or magazine subscriptions.
  • Installment payments: you have an agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process multiple payments over an agreed period of time for a single purchase. For example, the payer purchases an item for $1000 and pays for it in four monthly installments.
  • Unscheduled: you have an agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process future payments when required. For example, the payer authorizes you to process an account top-up transaction for a transit card when the account balance drops below a certain threshold.
  • Industry Practice: you have an agreement with the payer that authorizes you to initiate additional transactions to fulfil a standard business practice related to an original payment initiated by the payer. For example, a delayed charge for use of the hotel mini bar after the payer has checked out or a no show penalty charge when the payer fails to show for a booking.
When you first establish an agreement with the payer you should also specify the type of agreement in agreement.type.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
agreement.maximumAmountPerPayment Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The maximum amount for a single payment in the series as agreed with the payer under your agreement with them.

The amount must be provided in the currency of the order.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14
agreement.minimumDaysBetweenPayments Copied to clipboard Integer OPTIONAL

The minimum number of days between payments agreed with the payer under your agreement with them.

JSON number data type, restricted to being positive or zero. In addition, the represented number may have no fractional part.

Min value: 1 Max value: 9999
agreement.numberOfPayments Copied to clipboard Integer OPTIONAL

The number of merchant-initiated payments within the recurring payment agreement.

JSON number data type, restricted to being positive or zero. In addition, the represented number may have no fractional part.

Min value: 1 Max value: 999
agreement.paymentFrequency Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The frequency of the payments within the series as agreed with the payer under your agreement with them.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The agreement if for payments on an ah-hoc basis.


The agreement if for a daily payment.


The agreement if for a fortnightly payment.


The agreement if for a monthly payment.


The agreement is for payments according to a schedule other than the ones listed in the other enumeration values for this field.


The agreement if for a quarterly payment.


The agreement if for a payment twice a year.


The agreement if for a weekly payment.


The agreement if for a yearly payment.

agreement.retailer Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

For an installment agreement where the payer purchased goods and/or services from a retailer but entered an installment agreement to pay for this purchase with you, you must provide details about the retailer.

agreement.retailer.abbreviatedTradingName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Provide an abbreviation of the retailer's trading name that can be used by the issuer to indicate the retailer on the payer's statement.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
agreement.retailer.merchantCategoryCode Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

A 4-digit code used to classify the retailer's business by the type of goods or services it offers.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 4
agreement.retailer.tradingName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The retailer's trading name.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
agreement.type Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The type of commercial agreement that the payer has with you.

Specify the agreement type when you have provided a value for and this payment is the first in a series of payments. The default value is OTHER.

The gateway will use the value you specify for subsequent payments in the series.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


An agreement where the payer authorizes you to initiate additional transactions to fulfil a standard business practice related to an original payment initiated by the payer. These additional payments are triggered by an event not known at the time of the payer's initial agreement. For example, a delayed charge for use of the hotel mini bar after the payer has checked out or a no show charge when the payer fails to show for a booking.


An agreement where the payer authorizes the payment for a single purchase to be split into a number of payments processed at agreed intervals. For example, pay for a purchase in six monthly installments.


An agreement where you want to link related payments for any purpose other than processing recurring, installment, or unscheduled payments. For example, split tender payments.


An agreement where the payer authorizes you to process repeat payments for bills or invoices at agreed intervals (for example, weekly, monthly). The amount might be fixed or variable.


An agreement where the payer authorizes you to automatically deduct funds for a payment for an agreed purchase when required (unscheduled). For example, auto top-ups when the account value falls below a threshold.

apiOperation Copied to clipboard String = VERIFY FIXED

Any sequence of zero or more unicode characters.

billing Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information on the billing address including the contact details of the payer.

billing.address Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

The payer's billing address.

This data may be used to qualify for better interchange rates on corporate purchase card transactions. Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The city portion of the address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The name of the company associated with this address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100 Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text OPTIONAL

The 3 letter ISO standard alpha country code of the address.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
billing.address.postcodeZip Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters OPTIONAL

The post code or zip code of the address.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, ' ', '-'

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
billing.address.stateProvince Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The state or province of the address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 20
billing.address.stateProvinceCode Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The three character ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code for the state or province of the address.

Providing this field might improve your payer experience for 3-D Secure payer authentication.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 3
billing.address.street Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The first line of the address.

For example, this may be the street name and number, or the Post Office Box details.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
billing.address.street2 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The second line of the address (if provided).

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
correlationId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

A transient identifier for the request, that can be used to match the response to the request.

The value provided is not validated, does not persist in the gateway, and is returned as provided in the response to the request.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
customer Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about the customer, including their contact details. Copied to clipboard Email OPTIONAL

The email address of the customer.

The field format restriction ensures that the email address is longer than 3 characters and adheres to a generous subset of valid RFC 2822 email addresses.

Ensures that the email address is longer than 3 characters and adheres to a generous subset of valid RFC 2822 email addresses

customer.firstName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The payer's first name.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
customer.lastName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The payer's last or surname.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
customer.mobilePhone Copied to clipboard Telephone Number OPTIONAL

The payer's mobile phone or cell phone number in ITU-T E123 format, for example +1 607 1234 5678

The number consists of:

  • '+'
  • country code (1, 2 or 3 digits)
  • 'space'
  • national number ( which may embed single spaces characters for readability).

Data consists of '+', country code (1, 2 or 3 digits), 'space', and national number (which may embed single space characters for readability)

Mandatory country code: true Max total digits: 15 Copied to clipboard Telephone Number OPTIONAL

The payer's phone number in ITU-T E123 format, for example +1 607 1234 456

The number consists of:

  • '+'
  • country code (1, 2 or 3 digits)
  • 'space'
  • national number ( which may embed single spaces characters for readability).

Data consists of '+', country code (1, 2 or 3 digits), 'space', and national number (which may embed single space characters for readability)

Mandatory country code: true Max total digits: 15
customer.taxRegistrationId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The tax registration identifier of the customer.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 30
debtRepayment Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Additional details for debt repayment transactions (order.purchaseType=DEBT_REPAYMENT).

If your Merchant Category Code is 6012 (Merchandise and Services—Customer Financial Institutions) or 6051 ( (Non-Financial Institutions – Foreign Currency, Non-Fiat Currency)) you may be required to provide some or all the details in this parameter group.

debtRepayment.recipient Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Details about the recipient of the payment and the destination account for the payment.

debtRepayment.recipient.accountIdentifier Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

The account identifier for the payment recipient's account.

For payments into a card account provide the card number. For payments into other accounts (for example a bank account) provide the account number. The value provided will be returned masked in the response.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
debtRepayment.recipient.dateOfBirth Copied to clipboard Date REQUIRED

The date of birth of the primary payment recipient in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Data must comply with ISO 8601 extended date format, yyyy-mm-dd

debtRepayment.recipient.lastName Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

Last name of the primary payment recipient.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
debtRepayment.recipient.postcodeZip Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

Postcode of the primary payment recipient.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
device Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about the device used by the payer for this transaction.

device.ani Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The telephone number captured by ANI (Automatic Number Identification) when the customer calls to place the order.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
device.aniCallType Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The 2 digit ANI information identifier provided by the telephone company to indicate the call type, for example, cellular (61-63), toll free (24,25), etc.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 2
device.browser Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The User-Agent header of the browser the customer used to place the order.

For example, MOZILLA/4.0 (COMPATIBLE; MSIE 5.0; WINDOWS 95)

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 255
device.fingerprint Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Information collected about a remote computing device for the purpose of providing a unique identifier for the device.

For example, session ID, blackbox ID.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 4000
device.hostname Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The name of the server to which the customer is connected.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 60
device.ipAddress Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The IP address of the device used by the payer, in nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn format.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 7 Max length: 15
initiator.userId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The person who initiated this transaction.

This field is automatically populated by the gateway if the transaction was created via Merchant Administration (gatewayEntryPoint=MERCHANT_ADMINISTRATION) or Merchant Manager (MERCHANT_MANAGER). In this case this is the name that the person used to log in to Merchant Administration or Merchant Manager respectively.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 256
order Copied to clipboard REQUIRED

Information about the order associated with this transaction.

order.amount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The total amount for the order.  This is the net amount plus any merchant charge amounts.If you provide any sub-total amounts, then the sum of these amounts (order.itemAmount, order.taxAmount, order.shippingAndHandlingAmount, order.cashbackAmount, order.gratuityAmount, order.merchantCharge.amount and order.dutyAmount), minus the order.discountAmount must equal the net amount.

The value of this field in the response is zero if payer funds are not transferred.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14
order.currency Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text REQUIRED

The currency of the order expressed as an ISO 4217 alpha code, e.g. USD.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
order.custom Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Information about this order that is of interest to you.

For example order.custom.X, where 'X' is defined by you and must be less than 100 characters from the set A-Z, a-z, 0-9. For example, order.custom.salesRegion. You can specify up to 50 such fields. They are not sent to acquirers.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 250
order.customerNote Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

A note from the payer about this order.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 250
order.customerOrderDate Copied to clipboard Date OPTIONAL

The date the payer placed the order.

Data must comply with ISO 8601 extended date format, yyyy-mm-dd.

order.customerReference Copied to clipboard ASCII Text OPTIONAL

The payer's own reference for the order.

This reference may assist the payer to identify the order in their system. For example, a purchase order number, project identifier, or cost center.

Data consists of ASCII characters

Min length: 0 Max length: 25
order.description Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Short textual description of the contents of the order for display to the payer on the payment provider's website.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 127 Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about a price reduction you have applied to the order.

For example, you may apply discounts for trade, employees, bulk purchase, or a sales promotion. Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The total amount of the discount you have applied to the order.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The code you use to identify the reason for the discount.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 40 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

A description of your reason for the discount.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 127
order.dutyAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The duty amount (also known as customs tax, tariff or dues) for the order.

Data is a decimal number.

Max value: 1000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 3
order.gratuityAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The amount the payer has chosen to provide as a gratuity or tip in addition to the amount they are paying for the goods or services they are purchasing from you.

The gratuity amount is included in the total amount of the order you provide in order.amount.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14
order.invoiceNumber Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The invoice number you issued for this order.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 25
order.localTaxRegistrationId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Your tax registration identifier provided by the Local/State/Province tax authority.

If you are a Canadian merchant, use this field to provide your Tax Registration ID for paying Provincial Sales Tax (PST).

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 25
order.marketplace Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Use this parameter group to provide additional information if you are a marketplace.You are considered a marketplace if you operate an electronic commerce website or mobile application that brings together payers and retailers and you are selling the goods or services on behalf of the retailer.In this case, the card schemes may require you to register with them as a marketplace and assign you a Marketplace ID.

You should provide this identifier to your payment service provider so that the gateway can automatically include it in all transaction messages to your acquirer.

order.marketplace.retailerLocation Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Provide information about the location of the retailers for goods or services included in this order.Where a retailer is located in a country different from your country, they are considered a foreign retailer, otherwise they are considered a domestic retailer.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The order only contains items from domestic retailers.


The order contains items from both foreign and domestic retailers.


The order only contains items from foreign retailers.

order.merchantCategoryCode Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

A 4-digit code used to classify your business by the type of goods or services it offers.This is also known as the Merchant Category Code (MCC).

You only need to provide the MCC if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 4 Max length: 4
order.notificationUrl Copied to clipboard Url OPTIONAL

The URL to which the gateway will send Webhook notifications when an order is created or updated.

To receive notifications at this URL, you must enable Webhook notifications in Merchant Administration. Ensure the URL is HTTPS

Ensure that this is a valid URL according to RFC 1738.

order.owningEntity Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Your identifier for the part of your organization that is responsible for the order.

You might provide this data when you want to track the accountability for the order. For example, store number, sales region, branch, or profit center

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
order.owningEntity Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Your identifier for the part of your organization that is responsible for the order.

You might provide this data when you want to track the accountability for the order. For example, store number, sales region, branch, or profit center

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
order.purchaseType Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the purchase of specific types of goods or services.

You must provide a value if your Merchant Category Code (MCC) is one of the following:

6051 (Quasi Cash – Merchant or Non-Financial Institutions – Foreign Currency, Non-Fiat Currency) and this transaction is for the purchase of cryptocurrency. Set the value to CRYPTOCURRENCY.

6211 (Securities – Brokers/Dealers) and this transaction is for the purchase of high-risk securities. Set the value to HIGH_RISK_SECURITIES.

6012 (Merchandise and Services—Customer Financial Institutions) or 6051 (Non-Financial Institutions – Foreign Currency, Non-Fiat Currency) and this transaction is for debt repayment. Set the value to DEBT_REPAYMENT.

If the transaction pulls money from an account for the purpose of crediting another account you must set purchase type to ACCOUNT_FUNDING.

You may set purchase type to OTHER for any other type of payment.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The transaction is for the purchase of a cryptocurrency.


You may be required to provide additional details about the debt repayment in the debtRepayment parameter group.


The transaction is for the purchase of high-risk securities.


Use this value if the purchase type for the transaction does not fit in any of the other categories.

order.reference Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The identifier of the order.

For example, a shopping cart number, an order number, or an invoice number.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
order.requestorName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The name of the person who requested the goods or services.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
order.shippingAndHandlingAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The total shipping and handling amount for the order, including taxes on the shipping and/or handling.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14
order.shippingAndHandlingTaxAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The tax amount levied on the shipping and handling amount for the order.

This amount is included in the shipping and handling amount provided in field order.shippingAndHandlingAmount.

Data is a decimal number.

Max value: 1000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 3
order.shippingAndHandlingTaxRate Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The tax rate applied to the shipping and handling amount for the order to determine the shipping and handling tax amount.

For a tax rate of 2.5% provide 0.025.

Data is a decimal number.

Max value: 1000000000000000000 Min value: 0 Max post-decimal digits: 4
order.subMerchant Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Provide these parameters if you are a payment aggregator or facilitator and process payments on behalf of other merchants.

These merchants are referred to as your sub-merchants. The sub-merchant's details you provide may be displayed on the payer's cardholder statement. Note that your acquirer may require you to register with the card scheme(s) before allowing you to submit sub-merchant details with a transaction. This data must be on the initial transaction of an order, subsequent transactions with sub-merchant will be rejected.

order.subMerchant.address Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

The sub-merchant's address. Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The city portion of the address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The name of the company associated with this address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100 Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text OPTIONAL

The 3 letter ISO standard alpha country code of the address.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
order.subMerchant.address.postcodeZip Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters OPTIONAL

The post code or zip code of the address.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, ' ', '-'

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
order.subMerchant.address.stateProvince Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The state or province code of the address.

For an address in the United States provide the 2-letter ISO 3166-2 state code. For US military bases provide one of AE, AA, AP.

For an address in Canada provide the 2-letter ISO 3166-2 province code.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 20
order.subMerchant.address.street Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The first line of the address.

For example, this may be the street name and number, or the Post Office Box details.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
order.subMerchant.address.street2 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The second line of the address (if provided).

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
order.subMerchant.bankIndustryCode Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

Code used by acquirer to describe the business or industry the sub-merchant operates in.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 4 Max length: 4
order.subMerchant.disputeContactPhone Copied to clipboard Telephone Number OPTIONAL

Only provide this field if you have received a notification from the scheme that either you or the sub-merchant has a high number of disputes.

In this case, provide a phone number that payers can use to contact the sub-merchant in case of a dispute. Where applicable, the issuer may display this phone number on the cardholder statement. The phone number must be provided in ITU-T E123 format.

Data consists of '+', country code (1, 2 or 3 digits), 'space', and national number (which may embed single space characters for readability)

Mandatory country code: true Max total digits: 15 Copied to clipboard Email OPTIONAL

The sub-merchant's email address.

Ensures that the email address is longer than 3 characters and adheres to a generous subset of valid RFC 2822 email addresses

order.subMerchant.governmentCountryCode Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text OPTIONAL

Only provide this field if the sub merchant is a government owned or controlled merchant.

A sub merchant is considered a government owned or controlled entity (government controlled merchant) if 50% or more of the sub merchant is owned by the government. Provide the ISO 3166 three-letter country code of the government country where this differs from the sub merchant's physical location country.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
order.subMerchant.identifier Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters REQUIRED

Your identifier for the sub-merchant.

You can use this identifier in searches and reports in the gateway.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_', ' ', '&', '+', '!', '$', '.'

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
order.subMerchant.marketplaceId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

If the sub merchant is a marketplace, provide the marketplace ID assigned to them by Visa.

A sub merchant is considered a marketplace if they operate a platform (online commerce website or mobile application) where retailers can sell goods and services.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 11 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The sub-merchant's phone number

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 20
order.subMerchant.registeredName Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The legal name of the sub-merchant.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
order.subMerchant.tradingName Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

The trading name of the sub merchant, also known as doing business as (DBA), operating as or trading as.

For MasterCard transactions the name must not exceed 21 characters. For American Express transactions the name must not exceed 27 characters (or 36 characters including the aggregator name). The trading name may be displayed on the payer's cardholder statement. Therefore if you need to shorten it, use an abbreviation that will be meaningful to the payer when displayed on their statement.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100[n] Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Use this parameter group to provide a breakdown of tax types, amount per tax type, and rate per tax type included in order.taxAmount.[n].amount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The tax amount included in this order for the tax type.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14[n].rate Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The tax rate (percentage) used to determine the tax amount included in this order for the tax type.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 6[n].type Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The type of tax included in the order amount.

The correct value as used by your acquirer may have to be provided. Contact your payment service provider for details.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
order.taxAmount Copied to clipboard Decimal OPTIONAL

The total amount of tax included in this order.

This value will be used for all pay orders and full capture transactions unless you provide us with a different amount in the transaction.taxAmount.
This amount is the sum of the tax amount for all the items contained in the order. If you supply both this value and any line item details, then this amount MUST equal the sum of the item.quantity times the item.unitTaxAmount for all the line items.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.

Min length: 1 Max length: 14
order.taxRegistrationId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Your tax registration identifier provided by the Federal/National tax authority (for example, federal tax identification number, ABN).

If you are a Canadian merchant, use this field to provide your Tax Registration ID for paying Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) or Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected by the Canada Revenue Agency.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 30
order.taxStatus Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates your tax status for this order.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Indicates that you are exempt from tax.


Indicates that you are not exempt from tax.


Indicates that you are not providing information about being exempt from tax.

order.transactionFiltering Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information relevant for Transaction Filtering.

order.transactionFiltering.avsResponseCodeRules[n] Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Allows you to provide the Address Verification Service (AVS) Response Code Transaction Filtering rules to be applied to the transactions for this order.

If provided, these rules override the AVS Response Code Transaction Filtering rules you have configured in Merchant Administration.

order.transactionFiltering.avsResponseCodeRules[n].action Copied to clipboard Enumeration REQUIRED

The action to be performed for the Address Verification Service (AVS) Response Code.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


No action should be taken by the gateway.


The gateway must reject the transaction.


The gateway must mark this transaction as requiring a review.

order.transactionFiltering.avsResponseCodeRules[n].avsResponseCode Copied to clipboard Enumeration REQUIRED

The Address Verification Service (AVS) Response Code for which you are defining the rule.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Street address matched


Street address and zip/postcode were matched


Card holder name and street address matched


Card holder name matched


Card holder name and zip/postcode matched


No data available from issuer or AVS data not supported for transaction


AVS not requested


AVS could not be verified for an international transaction


No match


Issuer system is unavailable. Retry can be attempted


Service currently not supported by acquirer or merchant


Zip/postcode matched. Street address not matched

order.walletIndicator Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The wallet indicator as returned by the wallet provider.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
order.walletProvider Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The wallet provider used to collect the customer's payment details used for this transaction.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Amex Express Checkout wallet provider.


Apple Pay mobile wallet provider.


Chase Pay wallet provider.


Google Pay mobile wallet provider.


MasterPass Online wallet provider.


Samsung Pay mobile wallet provider.


Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) wallet provider.


Visa Checkout wallet provider.

partnerSolutionId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

If, when integrating with the gateway, you are using a solution (e.g. a shopping cart or e-commerce solution) provided, supported or certified by your payment service provider, enter the solution ID issued by your payment service provider here.

If your payment service provider has not provided you with a solution ID, you should ignore this field.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
posTerminal Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about the device used to initiate the transaction at the Point-of-Sale (POS).

posTerminal.address Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

The address where the POS is located.

For the field - EMV: 9F1A. Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The city portion of the address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The name of the company associated with this address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100 Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text OPTIONAL

The 3 letter ISO standard alpha country code of the address.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
posTerminal.address.postcodeZip Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters OPTIONAL

The post code or zip code of the address.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, ' ', '-'

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
posTerminal.address.stateProvince Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The state or province of the address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 20
posTerminal.address.street Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The first line of the address.

For example, this may be the street name and number, or the Post Office Box details.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
posTerminal.address.street2 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The second line of the address (if provided).

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
posTerminal.attended Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Specifies whether the terminal is attended by the merchant.

You only need to provide this field for card present transactions.

You must provide a value for this field for chip transactions with UK acquirers.

This field corresponds to EMV tag 9F35

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Attended terminal.


Where a card or proximity payment device is present; and the cardholder is present; and the cardholder completes the transaction and, if required, an individual representing the merchant or acquirer assist the cardholder to complete the transaction.


Unattended terminal.


Unknown or unspecified.

posTerminal.cardPresenceCapability Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the capabilities of the terminal to support card present, card not present or both.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Card not present.


Card present.


Card present and card not present.

posTerminal.cardholderActivated Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the type of cardholder-activated terminal (CAT) used by the payer for the transaction.

A CAT is typically an unattended terminal. For example a terminal used to purchase transit tickets, a terminal use to pay parking fees, toll fees, or automated dispensing machines.

There are seven types (levels) of CAT devices. Each level has specific card scheme requirements.

If you do not provide a value for this field for a Card Present payment the gateway defaults the value to NOT_CARDHOLDER_ACTIVATED.

This field corresponds to EMV tag 9F35

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


CAT level 1 terminal.


CAT level 6 terminal.


CAT level 4 terminal.


CAT level 3 terminal.


CAT level 9 terminal.


Terminal is not activated by the cardholder.


CAT level 2 terminal.


CAT level 7 terminal.

posTerminal.inputCapability Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the type of input the terminal is capable of receiving.

For example, chip, magnetic stripe read, key entry or contactless.

This field corresponds to EMV tag 9F33

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The terminal supports data input using a barcode reader.


Chip read only.


MSR, chip and key entry.


The terminal supports chip read, key entry, magnetic stripe read, and RFID read.


MSR and chip.


Contactless chip.


Contactless MSR.


The terminal supports both contactless interaction with a chip and magnetic stripe read.


Key entry only.


MSR and key entry.


Magnetic strip read (MSR) only.

posTerminal.lane Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The name that you use to uniquely identify the location of the Point Of Sale instance used to initiate the transaction.

Examples could be S43_L12 (Lane 12 in Shop 43) or Kiosk_76. This field can be used for your search or reporting needs, and might be used by fraud management systems.

This field corresponds to EMV tag 9F1C

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 8
posTerminal.location Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the physical location of the terminal in relation to your business premises.

If you do not provide a value for this field for a mobile wallet payment the gateway defaults the value to PAYER_TERMINAL_OFF_PREMISES.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


A terminal under the merchant's control but not on the merchant's premises was used.


A terminal under the merchant's control on the merchant's premises was used.


A voice or an audio response system was used, not a physical terminal.


A terminal under the payer's control and off the merchant's premises was used. For example, a mobile device or personal computer.


A terminal under the payer's control on the merchant's premises was used. For example, a mobile device or personal computer. Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about mobile POS (mPOS) device. Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The card reader used by an mPOS device.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Off-the-shelf mobile phone or tablet with only a built-in contactless reader.


Dedicated mobile terminal with an integrated card reader.


Off-the shelf device or dedicated mobile terminal, with a separate card reader.

posTerminal.onlineReasonCode Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the reason for sending a transaction online to the acquirer rather than completing it locally at the terminal.

The online reason code is mandatory for chip and chip fallback transactions (including reversals) for all online transactions.

Where more than one reason applies, then the order of priority used for the enumeration list applies.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The application data file on the chip was unable to process. The terminal has possession of the card. Only used by integrated ICC/MSR terminals (where the terminal has possession of the card and when this condition can be accurately identified).


The application common data file on the chip was unable to process. Only used by integrated ICC/MSR terminals (where the terminal has possession of the card and when this condition can be accurately identified).


The chip application forced the the transaction to go online.


Issuer rules forced the transaction to go online. For example, the card is expired.


Rules in the merchant's POS application forced the transaction to go online. For example, the card was used twice or send one in a certain number of authorizations online.


The terminal forced the transaction to go online. For example, the results of tests the terminal carried out during the EMV process indicated to send the transaction online.


The merchant has indicated a suspicious transaction. For example, they indicated an unsuccessful signature check or the card returned an inappropriate cryptogram.


The transaction amount is above the limit set for local processing of the transaction at the terminal.


The terminal has randomly selected the transaction for online processing.


The terminal is not able to process a chip transaction. The transaction was sent online as a fallback.

posTerminal.panEntryMode Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates how you or the Payer entered the Primary Account Number (PAN) of the card at the terminal.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The PAN was entered via a barcode reader.


The PAN was entered by reading data from the chip on the card.


A chip-capable terminal failed to process the transaction using data on the card's chip. Therefore, the PAN was read using a fallback mode.


The PAN was entered by a contactless interaction with a chip.


The PAN was entered via an electronic commerce interaction, including chip.


The PAN was manually entered.


The PAN was entered via an an optical character reader.


An RFID device was used. Chip data is provided.


An RFID device was used. Stripe data is provided.


The PAN was read from the magnetic stripe, and the full, unaltered contents of the stripe are provided.


The PAN was read from the magnetic stripe and a signature was provided.


The mode of PAN entry is unknown.


The PAN was collected using a Voice Response Unit.

posTerminal.pinEntryCapability Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the capability of the terminal to accept entry of the Payer's PIN.

This field corresponds to EMV tag 9F33

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Only offline PIN is supported.


Neither offline nor online PIN is supported.


PIN is supported but the POS or Payment Client has determined that it is not operational.


Both offline & online PIN supported.


mPOS Software-based PIN Entry Capability (online PIN supported).


The PIN entry capability is not known.

posTerminal.pinLengthCapability Copied to clipboard Integer OPTIONAL

The maximum number of PIN characters that can be entered at the terminal

JSON number data type, restricted to being positive or zero. In addition, the represented number may have no fractional part.

Min value: 4 Max value: 12
posTerminal.serialNumber Copied to clipboard ASCII Text OPTIONAL

PAN Entry Device Serial Number.

The unique serial number of the PED.

Data consists of ASCII characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 16 Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about the store or business location. Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Your unique identifier for the specific store or business location where the transaction took place.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 255 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Your name for the specific store or business location where the transaction took place.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 255
responseControls Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Container for fields that control the response returned for the request.

responseControls.sensitiveData Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Indicates how sensitive data is returned in the response.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50
risk Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information relevant to risk assessment.

risk.bypassMerchantRiskRules Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The risk rules you wish to bypass when performing risk assessment for an order.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.

risk.custom Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Additional data passed to third-party risk assessment providers.

This field is only relevant if you use a third-party risk assessment provider, and you have agreed with them the values to provide (maximum 100 characters in a field name from the set A-Z, a-z, 0-9, maximum 4kB in length of values across all custom risk fields). An example might be:
Field: risk.custom.headOfficeLocation
Value: London UK

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 4000 Copied to clipboard ASCII Text OPTIONAL

Identifier of the payment session containing values for any of the request fields to be used in this operation.

Values provided in the request will override values contained in the session.

Data consists of ASCII characters

Min length: 31 Max length: 35
session.version Copied to clipboard ASCII Text OPTIONAL

Use this field to implement optimistic locking of the session content.

Do this if you make business decisions based on data from the session and wish to ensure that the same data is being used for the request operation.

To use optimistic locking, record session.version when you make your decisions, and then pass that value in session.version when you submit your request operation to the gateway.

If session.version provided by you does not match that stored against the session, the gateway will reject the operation with error.cause=INVALID_REQUEST.

See Making Business Decisions Based on Session Content.

Data consists of ASCII characters

Min length: 10 Max length: 10
shipping Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Shipping information for this order.

shipping.address Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

The address to which this order will be shipped. Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The city portion of the address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The name of the company associated with this address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100 Copied to clipboard Upper case alphabetic text OPTIONAL

The 3 letter ISO standard alpha country code of the address.

Data must consist of the characters A-Z

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
shipping.address.postcodeZip Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters OPTIONAL

The post code or zip code of the address.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, ' ', '-'

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
shipping.address.source Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

How you obtained the shipping address.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Order shipped to an address that you have on file.


Order shipped to an address provided by the payer for this transaction.

shipping.address.stateProvince Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The state or province of the address.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 20
shipping.address.stateProvinceCode Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The three character ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code for the state or province of the address.

Providing this field might improve your payer experience for 3-D Secure payer authentication.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 3
shipping.address.street Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The first line of the address.

For example, this may be the street name and number, or the Post Office Box details.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
shipping.address.street2 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The second line of the address (if provided).

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 100
shipping.address.sameAsBilling Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates whether the shipping address provided is the same as the payer's billing address.

Provide this value if you are not providing the full shipping and billing addresses, but you can affirm that they are the same or different.

The default value for this field is:

SAME - if the shipping and billing address are supplied, and all fields are the same (ignoring non-alphanumerics).
DIFFERENT - if the shipping and billing address are supplied, and at least one field is different (ignoring non-alphanumerics).
UNKNOWN - either shipping address or billing address is absent.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The shipping and billing addresses are different.


The shipping and billing addresses are the same.


It is not known if the shipping and billing addresses are the same. Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Details of the contact person at the address the goods will be shipped to. Copied to clipboard Email OPTIONAL

The contact person's email address.

The field format restriction ensures that the email address is longer than 3 characters and adheres to a generous subset of valid RFC 2822 email addresses.

Ensures that the email address is longer than 3 characters and adheres to a generous subset of valid RFC 2822 email addresses Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The first name of the person to whom the order is being shipped.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50 Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The last name or surname of the person to whom the order is being shipped.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 50 Copied to clipboard Telephone Number OPTIONAL

The contact person's mobile phone or cell phone number in ITU-T E123 format, for example +1 607 1234 5678

The number consists of:

  • '+'
  • country code (1, 2 or 3 digits)
  • 'space'
  • national number ( which may embed single spaces characters for readability).

Data consists of '+', country code (1, 2 or 3 digits), 'space', and national number (which may embed single space characters for readability)

Mandatory country code: true Max total digits: 15 Copied to clipboard Telephone Number OPTIONAL

The contact person's phone number in ITU-T E123 format, for example +1 607 1234 456

The number consists of:

  • '+'
  • country code (1, 2 or 3 digits)
  • 'space'
  • national number ( which may embed single spaces characters for readability).

Data consists of '+', country code (1, 2 or 3 digits), 'space', and national number (which may embed single space characters for readability)

Mandatory country code: true Max total digits: 15
shipping.method Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The shipping method used for delivery of this order.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Electronic delivery.


Ground (4 or more days).


Order for goods that are not shipped (for example, travel and event tickets)


Overnight (next day).


Shipped to a local store for pick up.


Priority (2-3 days).


Same day.

shipping.origin.postcodeZip Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters OPTIONAL

The post code or zip code of the address the order is shipped from.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, ' ', '-'

Min length: 1 Max length: 10
sourceOfFunds Copied to clipboard REQUIRED

The details describing the source of the funds to be used.

For card payments these may be represented by combining one or more of the following: explicitly provided card details, a session identifier which the gateway will use to look up the card details and/or a card token. Precedence rules will be applied in that explicitly provided card details will override session card details which will override card token details. Each of these may represent partial card details, however the combination must result in a full and complete set of card details. See Using Multiple Sources of Card Details for examples.

sourceOfFunds.provided Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about the source of funds when it is directly provided (as opposed to via a token or session).

For browser payments, the source of funds details are usually collected from the payer on the payment provider's website and provided to you when you retrieve the transaction details (for a successful transaction). However, for some payment types (such as giropay), you must collect the information from the payer and supply it here.

sourceOfFunds.provided.ach Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

For ACH (sourceOfFunds.type=ACH) you must provide values for all fields within this parameter group, including details about the payers bank account as well as the type of ACH payment.

sourceOfFunds.provided.ach.accountType Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

An indicator identifying the type of bank account.

  • Consumer (checking or savings), or
  • Business

For pre-arranged payments (sourceOfFunds.provided.ach.secCode=PPD) retrieve this information from the payer.

If payments were telephone-initiated (sourceOfFunds.provided.ach.secCode=TEL) or internet-initiated (sourceOfFunds.provided.ach.secCode=WEB) you may choose to limit the payer's options (e.g. only support consumer checking accounts), depending on your type of business (e.g. B2C online webshop).

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Consumer Checking Account


Consumer Savings Account


Business Checking Account

sourceOfFunds.provided.ach.bankAccountHolder Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The name of the bank account holder, as it appears on the account at the receiving financial institution.

Retrieve this information from the payer.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 28
sourceOfFunds.provided.ach.bankAccountNumber Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters OPTIONAL

The identifier of the bank account at the receiving financial institution.

Retrieve this information from the payer.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, ' ', '-', '/'

Min length: 1 Max length: 17
sourceOfFunds.provided.ach.routingNumber Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

The identifier of the receiving financial institution.

Also known as:

  • Routing number,
  • Transit number, or
  • ABA number

Retrieve this information from the payer.

See also

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 9 Max length: 9
sourceOfFunds.provided.ach.secCode Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Identifies the Standard Entry Class (SEC) code to be sent to the issuer.

The SEC is defined by NACHA and describes the origin and intent of the payment. For details please refer to

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


An ACH debit or credit payment (B2C) that has been authorized by an authenticated customer in written form (signed or similarly authenticated). PPD is used for pre-arranged payments (e.g. employee payroll, mortgage payments, expense reimbursement).


An ACH debit payment (B2C) that has been authorized by an authenticated customer via phone. TEL may only be used if a relationship already exists between you and the consumer, or, the consumer initiates the contact with you.


An ACH debit payment (B2C) that has been authorized by an authenticated customer via the internet or a wireless network.

sourceOfFunds.provided.card Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Details about the card.

Use this parameter group when you have sourced payment details using:
Cards: the card details entered directly or collected using a Point of Sale (POS) terminal.
Device payment methods such as Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay or Google Pay.
Digital wallets such as Masterpass, Visa Checkout or Amex Express Checkout.
Card scheme tokens where the card was tokenized using a card scheme tokenization service such as Mastercard Digital Enablement Service (MDES).

sourceOfFunds.provided.card.devicePayment Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Details about the card that you have sourced using digital payment methods.

Use this parameter group when you have sourced payment details using:

  • • Device payment methods such as Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, or Google Pay.
  • • Digital wallets such as Masterpass, Visa Checkout or Amex Express Checkout.
  • • Card scheme tokens. This applies when you have tokenized the payer's card number using a card scheme tokenization service such as Mastercard Digital Enablement Service (MDES).

sourceOfFunds.provided.card.devicePayment.eciIndicator Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

The Electronic Commerce Indicator generated for payments made using a device payment method.

You source this field directly from the decrypted payment token.

This field is not applicable for payments using digital wallets or card scheme tokens.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 1 Max length: 2
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.devicePayment.onlinePaymentCryptogram Copied to clipboard Base64 OPTIONAL

A cryptogram used to authenticate the transaction.Use this field for:

  • • Device payments: source this field directly from the decrypted payment token.
  • • Card scheme tokens: source this field directly from the decrypted transaction credentials.

Data is Base64 encoded

Min length: 1 Max length: 128
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.emvRequest Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

This field only applies to transactions that originate from an EMV capable terminal.

It contains selected EMV fields as provided by the terminal.

For the list of field tags to include (if provided by the terminal), see Card Present Payments. Requests with any other tags are rejected by the gateway.

Some of the tags represent data that can occur on explicit fields in this API. You can submit the value either in this field, or in both places. For example, the PAN can be presented as EMV tag 5A in this field, or included both the sourceOfFunds.provided.card.number API field and in EMV tag 5A in this field.

If you specify the EMV tag only, we can populate the explicit field in the API. Fields where this is supported have the text "This field corresponds to EMV tag <tag name>" in their field descriptions.

If you specify both places, there will be no population of the explicit field or validation that the data matches.

The API response will not contain PCI sensitive fields.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 250
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.expiry Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Expiry date, as shown on the card.

This field corresponds to EMV tag 5F24

sourceOfFunds.provided.card.expiry.month Copied to clipboard Digits REQUIRED

Month, as shown on the card.

Months are numbered January=1, through to December=12.

Data is a number between 1 and 12 represented as a string.

sourceOfFunds.provided.card.expiry.year Copied to clipboard Digits REQUIRED

Year, as shown on the card.

The Common Era year is 2000 plus this value.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 2 Max length: 2
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.nameOnCard Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The cardholder's name as printed on the card.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 256
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.number Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

The account number of the payer's account used for the payment.

On requests, provide the number in the form that you receive it (as explained below). On responses, the gateway populates it with a form that the payer would recognize (also explained in more detail below).

  • Request

    On request, populate this field based on the payment method you are using for the payment:
    • • Card: the account number embossed onto the card. This field corresponds to EMV tag 5A.
    • • Device payment methods such as Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, or Google Pay. Normally for device payments, you would populate sourceOfFunds.provided.card.devicePayment.paymentToken and the gateway will decrypt and extract this field. However, you can populate this field if you decrypt the payment token yourself. In this case use the Device PAN (DPAN) provided in the payment token.
    • • Digital wallets such as Masterpass, Visa Checkout or Amex Express Checkout. In this case, provide the PAN retrieved from the wallet.
    • • Scheme tokens such as MDES (Mastercard Digital Enablement Service). Supply the value called the "Token PAN".
  • Response

    On return, the card number will be populated in 6.4 masking format, for example, 000000xxxxxx0000. If you wish to return unmasked card numbers, you must have the requisite permission, set responseControls.sensitiveData field to UNMASK, and authenticate your call to the API using certificate authentication.

    When a DPAN or scheme token was provided in the transaction request, then this field will represent the PAN of the associated payer's account (when supported by the acquirer). This is also referred to as the Funding PAN (FPAN).

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 9 Max length: 19
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

This holds the PAN in the case where it is encrypted by the terminal using DUKPT key exchange.

sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.cardBin Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

The BIN of the card.

If you provide this, the gateway will check that the decrypted PAN has these leading six digits. If the check fails, the gateway will reject the transaction.

If you do not provided this, the gateway will not perform this check.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 1 Max length: 6
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.encryptionState Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The P2PE encryption state as determined by the terminal.

INVALID means the terminal detected some form of error in the encryption process. The gateway will decline transactions with INVALID encryption state. This field may be omitted when the value is VALID.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 5 Max length: 7
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.initializationVector Copied to clipboard Hex OPTIONAL

The initialization vector supplied by the terminal to seed the encryption of this payload.

Omit this value if the terminal is not using an initialization vector to seed encryption.

Data is hexadecimal encoded

Min length: 16 Max length: 16
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.keySerialNumber Copied to clipboard Hex REQUIRED

The DUKPT key serial number supplied by the terminal.

Data is hexadecimal encoded

Min length: 20 Max length: 20
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.p2pe.payload Copied to clipboard Hex REQUIRED

The DUKPT encrypted payload supplied by the terminal.

Data is hexadecimal encoded

Min length: 32 Max length: 1024 Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

The PIN (Personal Identification Number) entered by a payer at the point of sale that is used to authenticate their identity as the cardholder with the issuer.

Provide this data in the case where you want the PIN verified online by the issuer. The gateway can support PINs encoded in ISO 9564-1 formats 0, 1, 3 and 4, but the supported format will depend on integration. Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The PIN encryption state as determined by the terminal.

INVALID means the terminal detected some form of error in the encryption process. The gateway will decline transactions with INVALID encryption state. This field may be omitted when the value is VALID.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The encryption state is invalid.


The encryption state is valid. Copied to clipboard Hex REQUIRED

The DUKPT key serial number supplied by the terminal.

Data is hexadecimal encoded

Min length: 20 Max length: 20 Copied to clipboard Hex REQUIRED

The DUKPT encrypted payload supplied by the terminal.

Data is hexadecimal encoded

Min length: 16 Max length: 16
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.securityCode Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

Card verification code, as printed on the back or front of the card or as provided for a card scheme token.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 3 Max length: 4
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.storedOnFile Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

This field only applies if you collect card details from your payer, store them, and either you or your payer use the stored credentials for subsequent payments.

Refer to Credential on File, Cardholder and Merchant-initiated Transactions for details.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Set this value if you are not storing the card details provided by the payer for this transaction. The gateway sets this value by default, if you are submitting a payer-initiated transaction. You must not use this value when submitting merchant-initiated transactions.


Set this value if you have previously stored the card details provided by the payer and are now using these stored details. The gateway sets this value by default, if you are submitting a merchant-initiated transaction.


Set this value if this is the first transaction using these card details and you intend to store the card details if the transaction is successful.

sourceOfFunds.provided.card.track1 Copied to clipboard Track 1 Data OPTIONAL

This field contains the full track data.

You may optionally include the start and end sentinels and LRC.

Provide this for stripe and EMV fallback to stripe cases.

This field corresponds to EMV tag 56

Data must comply with ISO 7811-2 track 1 data character set.
Data may consist of the characters: ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ]]>

Min length: 2 Max length: 79
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.track2 Copied to clipboard Track 2 Data OPTIONAL

This field contains the full track data.

You may optionally include the start and end sentinels and LRC.

Provide this for stripe and EMV fallback to stripe cases.

The contents of this field must match the PAN and expiry fields included in the Transaction Request.

This field corresponds to EMV tag 57

Data must comply with ISO 7811-2 track 2 data character set.
Data may consist of the characters: ? ]]>

Min length: 2 Max length: 40
sourceOfFunds.provided.directDebitCanada Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

For Direct Debit payments in Canada you must provide the payer's bank account details in this parameter group.

sourceOfFunds.provided.directDebitCanada.accountType Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

An indicator identifying the type of bank account.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Consumer Checking Account


Consumer Savings Account

sourceOfFunds.provided.directDebitCanada.bankAccountHolder Copied to clipboard String REQUIRED

The name of the bank account holder, as it appears on the account at the receiving financial institution.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 28
sourceOfFunds.provided.directDebitCanada.bankAccountNumber Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric + additional characters REQUIRED

The identifier of the bank account at the receiving financial institution.

The bank account number will be returned in a masked format, for example, xxxxxxxxxxxxx123.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, ' ', '-', '/'

Min length: 7 Max length: 12
sourceOfFunds.provided.directDebitCanada.financialInstitutionNumber Copied to clipboard Digits REQUIRED

The identifier of the receiving financial institution.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 3 Max length: 3
sourceOfFunds.provided.directDebitCanada.transitNumber Copied to clipboard Digits REQUIRED

The transit number identifying the branch of the receiving financial institution where the bank account is held.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 5 Max length: 5
sourceOfFunds.provided.giftCard Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

If the payer chose to pay using a gift card, you must submit sourceOfFunds.type=GIFT_CARD and provide the payer's gift card details in this parameter group.

sourceOfFunds.provided.giftCard.expectedLocalBrand Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Do not provide this field in your request unless instructed to do so by your payment service provider.

The field is required, if your gift card numbers do not use ISO BIN rules and therefore not allowing the gateway to identify the local brand.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 4 Max length: 50
sourceOfFunds.provided.giftCard.number Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

Card number as printed or embossed on the gift card.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 9 Max length: 19 Copied to clipboard Digits OPTIONAL

PIN number for the gift card.

Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9.

Min length: 4 Max length: 8
sourceOfFunds.token Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric OPTIONAL

A gateway token that contains account identifier details.

The account identifier details stored against this token will be used to process the request.
If account identifier details are also contained in the request, or the request contains a session with account identifier details, these take precedence over the details stored against the token.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
sourceOfFunds.tokenRequestorID Copied to clipboard Alphanumeric OPTIONAL

The unique identifier assigned to you by the Token Service Provider that you requested a token from for this payment.

This field is mandatory for payments where the Chase Pay wallet was used.

Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z

Min length: 11 Max length: 11
sourceOfFunds.type Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

The payment method used for this payment.

If you are passing card data (in any form) on the API, then you need to set this value, and also provide the card details in the sourceOfFunds.provided.card group. In the case of digital wallets or device payment methods, you must also populate the order.walletProvider field.

If you are making a payment with a gateway token, then you can leave this field unset, and only populate the sourceOfFunds.token field. However you can set this to CARD if you want to overwrite or augment the token data with a card security code, expiry date, or cardholder name.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The payer chose to pay using an electronic fund transfer, to be processed via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network. You must provide the payer's bank account details and information about the type of ACH payment under the sourceOfFunds.provided.ach parameter group.


Use this value for payments that obtained the card details either directly from the card, or from a POS terminal, or from a wallet, or through a device payment method.


The payer chose to pay using Direct Debit in Canada, also known as pre-authorized bank debits (PADs). You must provide the payer's bank account details in the sourceOfFunds.provided.directDebitCanada parameter group.


The payer chose to pay using a gift card. The payer's gift card details must be provided under the sourceOfFunds.provided.giftCard parameter group.


Use this value for payments using scheme tokens provided by Mastercard Digital Enablement Service (MDES), or Visa Token Service (VTS), or American Express Token Service (AETS).

transaction Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Information about this transaction.

transaction.acquirer Copied to clipboard OPTIONAL

Additional information to be passed to acquirer.

transaction.acquirer.customData Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Additional information requested by the acquirer which cannot be passed using other available data fields.

This field must not contain sensitive data.

Data can consist of any characters, but sensitive data will be rejected

Min length: 1 Max length: 2048
transaction.acquirer.traceId Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The unique identifier that allows the issuer to link related transactions.

Typically the gateway takes care of submitting this identifier to the issuer on your behalf. However, you must submit this identifier if you have processed the payer-initiated transaction (also called CIT) for the payment agreement outside the gateway or you are submitting a Refund where the Authorization or Payment has been performed outside the gateway.

For a Mastercard transaction this identifier must contain the scheme issued transaction identifier, network code and network date, and is also known as the Trace ID. For a Visa or American Express transaction this identifier matches the scheme issued transaction identifier, also known as Transaction Identifier or TID. Refer to the scheme's documentation for more details.

Payment in a Series

You must provide the information returned in the Authorization/Payment/Verification response for the last payer-initiated transaction in the series (CIT).


You must provide the information returned in the Authorization/Payment response for the payment for which you are issuing a refund.

Data can consist of any characters, but sensitive data will be rejected

Min length: 1 Max length: 15
transaction.merchantNote Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

Your note about this transaction.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 250
transaction.payerConsentForStoringCardDetails Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates if the payer provided consent for storing the payment details they have provided for this payment.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The payer has provided consent for storing their card details for the purpose of subsequent merchant-initiated payments.


The payer declined to provide consent for storing their card details.


The payer has provided consent for storing their card details for the purpose of subsequent payer-initiated payments.

transaction.reference Copied to clipboard String OPTIONAL

The identifier of the transaction, to distinguish it from all transactions you ever issue on any order.

For example, a shopping cart number or an invoice number.

Data can consist of any characters

Min length: 1 Max length: 40
transaction.source Copied to clipboard Enumeration OPTIONAL

Indicates the channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order from the payer.

For example, set this value to INTERNET if the payer initiated the payment online.

If you have an existing agreement with the payer that authorizes you to process this payment (for example, a recurring payment) then set this value to MERCHANT. You only need to provide transaction.source if you want to override the default value configured for your acquirer link.


  • You can only override the default value if you have the requisite permission.
  • The value you provide must match one of those configured by your payment service provider.
  • You can only set the transaction source on the initial transaction on an order. It cannot be changed on subsequent transactions.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


Transaction conducted via a call centre.


Transaction where the card is presented to the merchant.


Transaction conducted over the Internet.


Transaction received by mail.


Transaction initiated by you based on an agreement with the payer. For example, a recurring payment, installment payment, or account top-up.


Transaction received by mail or telephone.


Transaction received by telephone.


Transaction conducted by a voice/DTMF recognition system.

Response Copied to clipboard

Fields Copied to clipboard

accountFunding Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Additional details for account funding transactions (order.purchaseType=ACCOUNT_FUNDING).

Account funding transactions are transactions that pull money from the sender's card account for the purpose of funding another account, the recipient's account. Depending on the type of account funding transaction you may be required to provide some or all the details in this parameter group.

accountFunding.purpose Copied to clipboard Enumeration CONDITIONAL

Defines the purpose of the account funding payment.If not provided the value is defaulted to OTHER.

Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.


The funds from this account funding transaction will exclusively be used to purchase cryptocurrency.


The funds from this account funding transaction will be used to settle the proceeds of processing card transactions.


The funds from this account funding transaction will be used for any other purpose, e.g. transferring funds from a person to a person or transferring funds into a staged wallet. This is the default value.


The funds from this account funding transaction will be used to pay salaries.

accountFunding.recipient Copied to clipboard CONDITIONAL

Details about the recipient who will subsequently receive the funds that you are debiting from the sender in this transaction.