Checkout error

error Callback

The error callback is invoked when problems occur during a payment.

Usage Copied to clipboard

The error callback must be defined using the data-error attribute on the Checkout script tag. The attribute value may be the name of a global function or a URL string.

When a URL is provided, the browser will be redirected to the new page with a query parameter appended for each argument.

Example Copied to clipboard

        <script src=""
        <script type="text/javascript">
                function errorCallback(error) {
                    //handle payment error
        <script src=""
                data-error="http://[your domain]/errorPage"></script>

Arguments Copied to clipboard

error Copied to clipboard Object

Details of the error.

explanation Copied to clipboard String

Human readable description of the error.

field Copied to clipboard String

Indicates the name of the field that failed validation or has violated the payment constraints.

result Copied to clipboard String

Fixed value = ERROR

validationType Copied to clipboard String

Indicates the type of field validation error.

cause Copied to clipboard String

Cause of the error is one of following:


Return Value Copied to clipboard
