Checkout complete

complete Callback

The complete callback will be invoked when the payment has been completed.

Usage Copied to clipboard

The complete callback must be defined using the data-complete attribute on the Checkout script tag. The attribute value may be the name of a global function or a URL string. URLs will have a query parameter appended for each argument.

The complete callback is only supported in a Return To Merchant integration.

Example Copied to clipboard

            <script src=""
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function completeCallback(response) {
            console.log ('response: ', response);
            console.log ('resultIndicator: ', response.resultIndicator);
            console.log ('sessionVersion: ', response.sessionVersion);
                <script src=""
                data-complete="http://[your domain]/receiptPage"></script>

Arguments Copied to clipboard

response Copied to clipboard Object

Response Details.

resultIndicator Copied to clipboard String

The result indicator can be used to securely determine if the payment succeeded in a Return To Merchant integration.

sessionVersion Copied to clipboard String

Version of the Payment Session after payment completed.

Return Value Copied to clipboard
